Successful Hacktex multiplier event in Romania!

May 28, 2024

The event, organised by the partner TUIASI, is just one of the series of multiplier events the HAcktex partners have been carring out during the lenght of the project. They are aimed at disseminating the trianing project outcomes, some of them produced recently.

It took place Thursday, 23.05.2023 in Piatra Neamț, a location that allowed the participation of many important stakeholders from the industry (textile companies, the ASTRICO NE cluster), vocational education, associations and NGOs and regional public institutions, including municipalities and the Regional Development Agency.

The results of the HACKTEX project were presented at large by Luminița Ciobanu to the audience and discussed in a workshop to identify how to best implement the virtual training materials and how to support the textile sector in the transition towards intelligent and functionalised textiles. They are: a needs analysis on smart textiles, a European company database for smart textiles and advanced materials, an online training course on functional and smart textiles, the experience of the students training bootcamp where all the materials were tested, a methodological guide on smart textiles and enterpreneurship, and a handbook of good practices to foster smart textiles into the manufacturing sector.

Finally, the professor Ilda Kazani, from the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania, in line with previous information, gave a lecture on smart textiles and the latest possible applications that introduced the audience to the large range of opportunities given by these smart materials.

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HACKTEX project (Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship; project reference number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000027527) is co-funded by European Union.

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