Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship

Textile sector analysis

A report about market needs, latest information about materials, production, and technologies.

Virtual training

Innovative materials and methodology for students and professionals with several
knowledge depth levels.

Transversal knowledge

Our partnership is composed by several required areas of expertise such as universities, clusters and companies.

More outputs coming soon

Check out our upcoming events to get to know the project.


Developing innovative pedagogical tools

The textile sector in Europe is surrounded by newly and determinant changes and challenges. Nowadays, the digitalisation and the intelligence endowment of the industrial processes are essential for the development of the industry and for the greening process that all sectors transversally shall implement to advance to the climate neutrality.

In that sense, HACKTEX project aims at developing innovative pedagogical tools to improve the skills of engineering students on higher education in relation to innovation and, particularly, in the field of smart textiles.

The Project raises a proposal that is oriented to the reassessment of the sector dynamics by enhancing and targeting the skills of the future workforce generations, producing competitive products, developing the 4.0 industry and giving to the sector adaptability to external inputs and demands… in conclusion, endow the textile industry with resilience starting from the beginning of its value chain: the students’ education and training.  

Deepening in smart textiles and matching the science field with new technologies and the textile sector, means giving a renewed potential, a consolidated competitivity and an important green component to the European textile industry.

For that, the needs for digital education responding to the identified gaps and mismatches related to skills and competences that are needed to open up new opportunities enabled by smart textiles research into advanced textiles’ manufacturing. It will provide HEIs with valuable methodologies and tools to use in day-to-day training future specialists in the field of advanced/smart textiles. The skills generated based on the tools and methodologies developed by HACTEX for digital training will then transfer to the industry.

Hacktex consortium holds its Final Meeting focused at making its training materials at the disposal of the European textile academia and industry

This week, on June 3rd and 4th, the Hacktex consortium met in Borås, Sweden, for its sixth and last transnational project meeting. The meeting, hosted by the University of Borås, started with the project coordinator, TUIASI, informing, and recalling extensively about...

Successful Hacktex multiplier event in Romania!

The event, organised by the partner TUIASI, is just one of the series of multiplier events the HAcktex partners have been carring out during the lenght of the project. They are aimed at disseminating the trianing project outcomes, some of them produced recently. It...

Hacktex results presented in International Textiles conferences

Hacktex partnership keeps on spreading out its results and creating knowledge regarding the current needs of the higher education system in Europe regarding smart textiles. One of its results, a needs analysis research on this field, was presented by one of the...

Hacktex launches its 4th Newsletter!

HACKTEX has just released its 4th newsletter that features the project progress and current status, the latest news and the ongoing activities. In this issue, several Results of the Hacktex project are updated. Firslty, the Hacktex Massive Online Open Course about...

Hacktex consortium meets in Iasi for its 5th TPM!

This week, on 7th and 8th of February, the Hacktex consortium met in Iasi for its 5th Transnational Project Meeting. It was organised and hosted by TUIASI, the project coordinator, and all partners agree on its fruitful outputs. The meeting began with TUIASI, giving...

Hacktex consortium launches the Bootcamp, an intensive training course for university students!

Last week, the Hacktex project organised, in Boras, Sweden, an intensive training course named Hacktex Bootcamp.  The course, , gathered students from the 4 participating universities: Gheorghe Asachi Technical University from Romania, the Universitat Politècnica de...

Hacktex bootcamp has just started!

Hacktex project, an initiative funded by the Erasmus+ program from the European Union, is organising a training intensive course to students from several European universities to get to know what smart textiles are about and how to manage them within markets. A wide...

Hacktex launches its 3rd Newsletter!

HACKTEX has just released its 3rd newsletter that features the project progress and current status, the latest news and the ongoing activities. In this issue, several Results of the Hacktex project are updated. Firslty, the Hacktex Massive Online Open Course about...

Hacktex consortium meets in Terrassa for its 4th TPM!

Last Monday June 19th, the Hacktex consortium met in Terrassa for its 4th Transnational Project Meeting. It was organised and hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. In line with the partners’ commitment, the meeting debates resulted to be efficient,...

Hacktex launches its 2nd Newsletter!

HACKTEX has just released its 2ndt newsletter that features the project progress and current status, the latest news and the ongoing activities. In this issue, the most relevant information is the launch of the first project results, the Field Research (Survey) for...

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HACKTEX project (Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship; project reference number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000027527) is co-funded by European Union.

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