Hacktex consortium holds its Final Meeting focused at making its training materials at the disposal of the European textile academia and industry

June 05, 2024

This week, on June 3rd and 4th, the Hacktex consortium met in Borås, Sweden, for its sixth and last transnational project meeting.

The meeting, hosted by the University of Borås, started with the project coordinator, TUIASI, informing, and recalling extensively about the remaining management tasks to complete before leaving the project finished.

Then, the partners discussed about the quality and exploitation of the results during this last period of the project and beyond, once it is over.

On the next day, partners focused on the almost-finished R5, the Handbook of Good Practices that will assist the European academia and companies on the smart textiles teaching and training.

Up until now, the Hacktex project has managed to develop a series of training lessons and a virtual/on-site learning methodology, to assist on its implementation, on smart textiles applied into the manufacturing sector that are open and also replicable also on other topics by other universities, companies, training centres.

Furthermore, Hacktex consortium has done much more than developing a MOOC, it has built kind of a family, made special connections between the partners, helped them in knowing different realities, languages and cultures.

The Hacktex team, also integrated by AEI Tèxtils, CIAPE, Cre.Thi.Dev., INTEXTER, TITERA, and UNIWA, is happy with the work done and wish you all like and take benefit of their produced results.

Check them all out on the Hacktex website.

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HACKTEX project (Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship; project reference number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000027527) is co-funded by European Union.

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