Dive into HACKTEX Virtual Guide!

The VIRTUAL GUIDE offers some helpful tips and industrial challenges that need to be faced in the smart textiles sector.

It works as a navigation tool, so as to guide you throughout all the virtual content created both for the MOOC and the Entrepreneurship module.

Take a look and get the most out of the project’s content!


Definition of smart textiles and applications

In the Hacktex MOOC you will find the definition of the term smart textiles and its evolution in time and technologies and the importance of smart textiles as a new area for the development of the textile sector.

Moreover, if you want to check their definition from an entrepreneurial point of view, in the lesson Introduction to the smart textiles market (also in video) you will find their definition and characteristics, main trends, and possible limitations.

Overview of the growing market and opportunities in smart textiles

The materials Introduction to the smart textiles market: Niche market I (also in video) and Introduction to the smart textiles market: Niche market II (also in video) explore the smart textiles market by providing examples of products and/or prototypes potentially to be merchandised in the fields of healthcare, personal protection, sports, automotive, aerospace, home, agriculture and architecture, among others.

Benefits and challenges when starting a smart textiles venture

In the material Recognise market future developments, opportunities and obstacles (also in video) you can find a SWOT analysis of the advanced and smart textile industry, with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the businesses in the market. You can also learn what the intellectual property rights issues are and how to take them into account.


Industries and sectors where smart textiles can make an impact

The material Introduction to the smart textiles market: Niche market I (also in video) explores the smart textiles market by providing examples of products and/or prototypes in several fields.

Explore emerging applications and untapped markets

The material Recognise market future developments, opportunities and obstacles (also in video) shows how to recognise and stay updated with the opportunities offered by the rapidly evolving advanced textile industry. They also provide an analysis of the latest research trends and application developments in the advanced and smart textile market.

Consumer needs and identify potential use cases

The material Idea Generation (also in video) in the unit From Idea to Opportunities explains about considering the end-user perspectives (such as needs, preferences, values, experiences) and using the “empathy map” as a tool to develop a successful and marketable product.

Moreover, the material Developing a business model II (also in video) provides a structured approach on the process of understanding various customer segments, crafting and delivering a relevant value proposition for each segment.

Generate new and feasible ideas to exploit opportunities

The material Idea Generation (also in video) covers key aspects of effectively applying the idea generation process (problem and constraint definition, working group setting up, using the ACER’s Creative Thinking Framework). They also introduce different tools and techniques able to stimulate creativity and examples of their application to the smart textile sector.


Define your value proposition and target customers

The material Developing a business model II (also in video) covers the key elements of the Business Model Canvas, presenting the customer types and customer segmentation strategies and ways to craft the value proposition to cater to different customer segments.

Create a pricing strategy and assess production costs

The material Developing a business model III (also in video) defines and explains the main elements of the cost structure for a smart textiles business.

Identify distribution channels suitable for smart textile products

The material Developing a business model II (also in video) defines and describes the different types of channels, presenting the factors to consider when choosing channels to reach and sell to different customer segments.

Develop marketing strategies to reach your target audience

The material The origins, definition and vocabulary of strategy (also in video) in the unit Important issues for entrepreneurship revises the theoretical basis of strategy.

The material Developing a business model (also in video) presents the aspects regarding problem identification and understanding the market and the customers in order to create products and services to better meet the needs and requirements. Besides, Developing a business model II (also in video) presents the steps to build long-lasting customer relationships.

Establish partnerships with retailers, e-commerce platforms, or distributors

The material Developing a business model III (also in video) presents the main types of key partners in the smart textiles market and the strategies to find, select, and build long-term partnerships.

Identify revenue streams: product sales, licensing, service contracts...

The material Developing a business model III (also in video) defines and explains the main revenue streams for smart textiles companies.


Source materials and components for smart textiles production

In the unit Raw materials and components for functional and smart textiles of the HACKTEX MOOC, you can find information about products to impart passive and active functionalities to textiles, and electronic components for e-textiles. Moreover, in the unit Technologies for functional and smart textiles of the HACKTEX MOOC you will find information about technologies for production of 2D and 3D smart textiles, and for integration and joining in smart textiles production.

However, do not forget about sustainability when developing your project. The unit Issues related to the sustainability of functional and smart textiles of the HACKTEX MOOC analyses the issues that are related to the sustainability of the functional and smart textiles.

Besides, in the HACKTEX Database you will find a wide range of companies all over Europe that are active in different fields of smart textiles.

Establish partnerships with suppliers and manufacturers

To start, you have a list of producers and suppliers for materials and components available in the HACKTEX Database.

Ensure quality control and scalability in production

The unit Standards and characterization of functional and smart textiles of the HACKTEX MOOC, you can find details about the standards required to evaluate the textile properties and performance/functionalities of the smart textiles. The unit introduces important testing protocols for different areas of use in the fields of smart textiles, and also explains quality parameters and protocols, as well as scalability, of both product and production processes.


Assess funding options such as grants, investors or crowfunding

The material Funding and Financial Management (also in video) of the unit From idea to opportunities show how to assess the funding needs for a business based on smart textiles, finding the right balance in the financial structure, and how to evaluate the different funding options available to diversify the sources in accordance with the established financial strategy.

Use resources and tools specific to smart textiles development

In the materials of Funding and Financial Management (also in video) explain the European Union’s main funding options, their objectives and their accessing and financial rules, to promote and sustain the smart textile business development.

Resources and support for smart textiles entrepreneurs

In the materials of Funding and Financial Management (also in video) you will find information about accessing incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurship programs; joining industry associations and communities for knowledge sharing to sustain business operations and expansion; and maximising the chances of success as a smart textile.


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HACKTEX project (Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship; project reference number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000027527) is co-funded by European Union.

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