

Hacktex bootcamp has just started!

Hacktex bootcamp has just started!

Hacktex project, an initiative funded by the Erasmus+ program from the European Union, is organising a training intensive course to students from several European universities to get to know what smart textiles are about and how to manage them within markets. A wide...

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Hacktex launches its 3rd Newsletter!

Hacktex launches its 3rd Newsletter!

HACKTEX has just released its 3rd newsletter that features the project progress and current status, the latest news and the ongoing activities. In this issue, several Results of the Hacktex project are updated. Firslty, the Hacktex Massive Online Open Course about...

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Hacktex consortium meets in Terrassa for its 4th TPM!

Hacktex consortium meets in Terrassa for its 4th TPM!

Last Monday June 19th, the Hacktex consortium met in Terrassa for its 4th Transnational Project Meeting. It was organised and hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. In line with the partners’ commitment, the meeting debates resulted to be efficient,...

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Hacktex launches its 2nd Newsletter!

Hacktex launches its 2nd Newsletter!

HACKTEX has just released its 2ndt newsletter that features the project progress and current status, the latest news and the ongoing activities. In this issue, the most relevant information is the launch of the first project results, the Field Research (Survey) for...

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Hacktex goes on: steering committee meeting!

Hacktex goes on: steering committee meeting!

Last Friday, March 24th, Hacktex consortium met for their monthly steering committee, virtually. The SC meeting are previewd since the beginning of the project to ensure a smooth communication among partners: to take immediate decisions, to update the partnership with...

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Hacktex consortium meets in Rome for its 3rd TPM!

Hacktex consortium meets in Rome for its 3rd TPM!

This week, Hacktex consortium met in Rome for their 3rd Transnational Project Meeting. The event was organised in two journeys and CIAPE hosted it. It was a fruitful meeting, full of decisive and constructive debates. The first day, February 8th, began with the...

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HACKTEX project (Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship; project reference number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000027527) is co-funded by European Union.

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