Hacktex Bootcamp
Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship
The training took place in November 2023 in Sweden, was organized by the University of Borås, which has already had experience in project-based learning and Textile Science and are well established in the field of smart textiles; logistics were also arranged locally.
The training methodology consisted in a blended methodology, mixing different learning tools. Prior to the 5 days in the summer bootcamp, the selected students participated in virtual training activities (MOOC). In the morning, lessons were delivered through a sprint methodology of flipped classrooms and some hackathons were implemented in order to test the materials. In the afternoon, some alternation of company visits and testimonials took also place.
Finally, students from TUIASI, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, University of West Attica, and the University of Boras who participated had the chance to evaluate the experience.
Hacktex project
Hacktex consortium counts with 8 institutions from 6 European countries with complementary profiles and competencies and works in the develpment of the methodology, content and execution of a learning full-experience on smart textiles targeted on university students.
Hacktex Bootcamp
The Hacktex Bootcamp learning experience is just one step of the whole Hacktex initiative. Check out all the outputs produced by the consortium here.
Both for the Hacktex Training Bootcamp and for the rest of the methodology created by the consortium, the replication in other universities and/or institutions is expected and valued.
Press release
Do not miss the full content of what happened on the Bootcamp. Download it here.
Transversal learning experience
Students participating in the Hacktex Training Bootcamp firstly completed a virtual training course designed by the Hacktex consortium that deals with smart textiles.
Once the students acquired the basic knowledge of smart textiles through this virtual course, they traveled to Boras, Sweden, to experience the face-to-face learning experience together with students from three other European universities.
Once there, all students received one-on-one classes on smart textiles, such as sustainability, entrepreneurship and the materials used.
At the final stretch of this Bootcamp course, students participated in a Hackathon. The Hackathon is a kind of hands-on test in which students will put into practice everything they have learned in groups by designing a solution to a smart textiles issue posed by the professors.
To complete this immersive and hands-on experience, and for students to see first-hand everything they study and learn, several visits to companies and other related institutions were organized.
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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
HACKTEX project (Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship; project reference number 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000027527) is co-funded by European Union.
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